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The Gem Gilpin Axe
Gilpin Kindling Axe
Cornelius Whitehouse Kindling Axe
Vintage Hand Adze
William Swift 9 inch Block Billhook
8 inch Block Billhook
Laughton & Jarrett 9 inch Billhook
Spear & Jackson 9 inch Billhook
Spearwell 11 inch Billhook
Elwell 10 inch Billhook
Gilpin 12 inch Billhook
Thatchers Spar Hook
Gilpin 8 inch Billhook
Gilpin No 3 Billhook
Vintage Multi Cut Hedge Trimmer
Trenton Multi Cut Hedge Trimmer
Multi Cut Hedge Trimmer
Vintage Garden Dibber
Vintage 3/4 Terracotta Pan
Vintage Folding Knife
Military Folding Knife
Wolf Pistol Dibber
Skelton Draw Knife
Bundle of Zinc Labels
Bundle of Wooden Labels
Remanco Child's Fork
Vintage Child's Rake
Large Glass Flower Frog
Glass Flower Frog
Blue Glass Flower Frog
Vintage Boxed Flower Frog